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Bad World

Bad World

Unlike most comic books, Bad World is a work of nonfiction and does not contain characters, plots, or a recurring storyline. Instead, the writing in each issue is a series of observations by Ellis on stories which are incredibly bizarre, but true. The series repeatedly deals with subjects such as serial killers, conspiracy theorists, UFO cultists, and religious fanatics, bizarre acts such as cannibalism, necrophilia, and bestiality, and unusual beliefs such as urine therapy, inedia, and Flat Earthers.
Burrows' art provides a background for Ellis' observations. Though drawn in a realistic style, the art often stylizes or parodies the material being discussed; for example, on a page about a woman who claims that she and her children are alien/human hybrids, Burrows draws a woman sitting in a rocking chair and holding two infant Greys.

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