Planetary was an American comic book series created by Warren Ellis (writer) and John Cassaday (artist), published by the Wildstorm imprint of DC Comics. Planetary also refers to the group portrayed in the series.
Planetary was previewed in the September 1998 issues of Gen¹³ (#33) and C-23 (#6), and issue #1 was cover-dated April 1999. It was originally intended to be a 24-issue bi-monthly series. However due to illness of Ellis and other commitments by Cassaday, the series was put on hiatus between 2001 and 2003; it has since restarted and concluded with issue #27 in October of 2009.
Laura Martin (also credited as Laura DePuy) has colored almost every issue of the series.
Planetary was previewed in the September 1998 issues of Gen¹³ (#33) and C-23 (#6), and issue #1 was cover-dated April 1999. It was originally intended to be a 24-issue bi-monthly series. However due to illness of Ellis and other commitments by Cassaday, the series was put on hiatus between 2001 and 2003; it has since restarted and concluded with issue #27 in October of 2009.
Laura Martin (also credited as Laura DePuy) has colored almost every issue of the series.
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