"Hush" is a 2002-2003 comic book story arc that ran through the Batman monthly series. It was written by Jeph Loeb, and penciled by Jim Lee, inked by Scott Williams and colored by Alex Sinclair. The story depicts a mysterious stalker, head wrapped in bandages, called Hush, who seems intent on sabotaging Batman from afar, and utilizes a large number of guest appearances by Batman villains. It also emphasizes the romantic feelings between Batman and Catwoman.
02.Batman: Hush The friend
03.Batman: Hush The Beast
04.Batman: Hush The City
05.Batman: Hush The battle
06.Batman: Hush The opera
07.Batman: Hush The Joke
08. Batman: Hush The Dead
09.Batman: Hush The Assassins
03.Batman: Hush The Beast
04.Batman: Hush The City
05.Batman: Hush The battle
06.Batman: Hush The opera
07.Batman: Hush The Joke
08. Batman: Hush The Dead
09.Batman: Hush The Assassins
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